Matching Gifts

Join the Matching Gift family! For information on becoming a Matching Gift Partner, or if you are an employee and have questions, email Mary Carpenter, Director of External Relations.

Do you work for one of these companies? If so, you can apply to have any gift you give to Act II matched! Click on the company name to learn more!


Johnson and Johnson

Contact Info
Corporate Contact:J&J Corporate Giving Program
(800) 804-4381

Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$25
Maximum Matched:$20,000
Match Ratio:Up to 2:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? Yes

Employees and retirees should request matching gifts electronically at

Employees have up to 12 months from the donation date to submit matching gift requests.

Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: No

Contact Info
Corporate Contact:ExxonMobil Corporate Giving
(877) 807-0204

Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$20
Maximum Matched: $2,000 to cultural organizations
Match Ratio: 1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? YesExxonMobil’s Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees / donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at
Employee have until December 31st of each year to submit matching gift requests.

Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: Yes
Minimum Hours:20 Hours
Corporate donation:$500 grant after 20 hours of volunteering. Up to 4 grants per employee per year

ExxonMobil offers two types of volunteer grant programs:

Individual Volunteer Involvement Program:
After an employee or retiree volunteers 20 hours with an organization, ExxonMobil provides a volunteer grant of $500 to that organization. Each employee is able to request up to four $500 grants each year.

Team Volunteer Involvement Program:
ExxonMobil awards a $500 grant to a nonprofit once a team of five or more eligible participants volunteer for a combined total of at least 20 hours.

ExxonMobil’s Volunteer Grant Submission Process:
Employees / volunteers should log their hours and request the volunteer grant electronically at

The Vanguard Group
Contact Info
Corporate Contact:Human Resources
Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$25
Maximum Matched:$10,000
Match Ratio:.5:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? YesVanguard’s Matching Gift Submission Process:
The most up-to-date matching gift form is available on the company intranet. Employees / donors should search the company intranet for “matching gifts” for additional details.Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: No

Merck & Co.
Contact Info
Corporate Contact:Merck Employee Giving
(855) 266-6774

Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$24
Maximum Matched:$30,000
Match Ratio:1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? No

Employees are eligible to have donations of up to $30,000 matched annually.

Merck’s Matching Gift Submission Process:
Donors register and submit their matching gift request electronically at

Merck’s Deadline:
Employees must submit their match requests within 180 days of the date of the donation.

Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: Yes
Minimum Hours:40 Hours
Corporate donation:$500 for 40 hours or $1,000 for 80 hours

Through Merck’s Volunteer Grant Program, Merck provides volunteer grants when employees volunteer with a nonprofit on a regular basis.

There are two different tiers of volunteer grants:

40 volunteer hours = $500 grants
80 volunteer hours = $1,000 grants

Volunteer Grant Submission Process:
Volunteers should log their hours and register their volunteer grant requests electronically at

Prudential Financial Inc.
Contact Info
Corporate Contact:Prudential Matching Gift / Corporate & Community Engagement Team

Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$25
Maximum Matched:$5,000
Match Ratio:Up to 2:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? YesPrudential matches the first $100 that every employee gives at a $2 for $1 ratio. For the next $4,900, Prudential matches $1 for $1.Additional details are available to employees by logging in at or at

Prudential’s Matching Gift Submission Process:
Prudential employees should submit all payroll deduction and matching gift requests through the Prudential CARES site. Employees can access the Prudential CARES website by logging in at

If you have questions or need assistance please contact Corporate Engagement at

Submission Deadline:
Prudential requests that employees complete the matching gift form immediately following the date of the donation but employees can submit their matching gift requests up until the end of the calendar year in which the donation was made.

Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: Yes
Minimum Hours:40 Hours
Corporate donation:$250, $500, or $1,000

Prudential provides grants to nonprofits where employees volunteer on a regular basis.

After volunteering for 40 hours with an organization, employees are able to apply for a “Prudential Cares Volunteer Grant.”

Grant Amounts:
The grant request will be evaluated and can result in either a $250, $500, or $1,000 grant.

Additional details can be found at

Additional Details:
Prudential employees should submit volunteer grants on the company intranet through the Prudential CARES site. Employees can access the volunteer grant page at

If you have questions or need assistance please contact Corporate Engagement at

Morgan Stanley

Contact Info
Corporate Contact:Morgan Stanley Employee Giving Program
(212) 296-3600

Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$50
Maximum Matched:$4,000
Match Ratio:.25:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? No

In order for donations to be matched, the must be made through the “Annual Appeal” which occurs annually in November and December. These donations are eligible to receive up to $4,000 in matched corporate funds. During the “Annual Appeal” employees will be notified once their charity has confirmed their gift.

The matching funds go into the employees “Charitable Spending Account” at which point they can direct the corporate dollars towards any US charities.

For additional information please email

Morgan Stanley’s Matching Gift Submission Process:
Matching gift requests should be submitted electronically during the company’s annual giving campaign in Q4 of each year.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Morgan Stanley’s Community Affairs department at 212-296-3600 or email them at

Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: No

Contact Info
Corporate Contact: GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Matching Gifts Program
(866) 603-6366

Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$25
Maximum Matched:$10,000
Match Ratio:1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? No

GSK’s Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees / donors should register their matching gift requests electronically at

Submission Deadline:
GlaxoSmithKline requests that completed matching gift forms be submitted within 90 days of the date of the donation.

Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: No

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Contact Info
Corporate Contact:Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
(855) 302-7774

Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$25
Maximum Matched:$30,000
Match Ratio:1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? No
Retirees eligible? No
Employees are eligible to request up to $30,000 in matching funds annually.

BMS’s Matching Gift Submission Process for Current Employees:
Employees must log in and record their donations on Bristol-Myers Squibb’s employee Giving Program web site at

Learn more by viewing BMS’s matching gift guidelines at

Submission Deadline:
Matching gift requests must be submitted within six months of the date of the donation.

Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: Yes
Minimum Hours:Not Specified
Corporate donation:Not Specified

Through Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Employee Volunteer Award Program, the foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations with which employees of Bristol-Myers Squibb volunteer.

Employees should log into to access complete details on Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Employee Volunteer Award Program.

JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Contact Info
Corporate Contact:JPMorgan Chase Corporate Giving
(888) 291-0655

Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$25
Maximum Matched:$1,000
Match Ratio:1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? NoJPMorgan Chase has replaced it’s matching gift program with a Charitable Spending Account.For additional information please email

JPMorgan Chase’s Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees should upload a copy of their donation receipt electronically at Funds will be put into the CSA where they can be allocated to pre approved eligible organizations.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call JPMorgan Chase’s Charitable Spending Account Program at (888) 291-0655 or email them at

Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: Yes
Minimum Hours:15 Hours
Corporate donation:Up to $3,000

JPMorgan Chase has replaced it’s volunteer grant program with a Charitable Spending Account.

For additional information please email

JPMorgan Chase’s Matching Gift Submission Process:
Employees should upload a copy of their volunteer time electronically at Funds will be put into the CSA where they can be allocated to pre approved eligible organizations.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call JPMorgan Chase’s Charitable Spending Account Program at (888) 291-0655 or email them at

Lincoln Financial Group
Contact Info
Corporate Contact:Patti Grimm
(260) 455-3636

Matching Gift Programs
Minimum Matched:$50
Maximum Matched:$10,000
Match Ratio:1:1
Full-time employees eligible? Yes
Part-time employees eligible? Yes
Retirees eligible? YesThe maximum amount matched ranges from $1,250 annually for retirees to $10,000 annually for board members.Eligibility:
Lincoln Financial’s matching gift program is available to a wide range of individuals including:

Full-time Employees
Lincoln Financial Advisors (LFA) Planners
Sustaining Premier Partners (ABGA, GA, MGA, and former DAN Channels)
Members of the Corporate Leadership Group and Senior Management Committee
Members of the Board of Directors
Retired Employees/Financial Planners/Board of Directors

Lincoln Financial’s Matching Gift Submission Process:

The matching gift form can be accessed at

Donors should complete the top part of the form and mail it to the nonprofit.

Volunteer Grant Programs
Offered: Yes
Minimum Hours:50 Hours
Corporate donation:$500

Through Lincoln Financial’s LIVE (Lincoln Invests in Volunteer Experiences) program, the company provides grants to nonprofits where employees volunteer regularly.

After an employee volunteers for 50 hours with an organization, Lincoln Financial will make a $500 donation to that organization.

Each employee can submit volunteer grant requests for up to two different organizations per year.

Lincoln Financial’s Volunteer Grant Submission Process:
The volunteer grant form can be accessed at

Volunteers should complete the top part of the form and mail it to the nonprofit.

Page image starting far left and clockwise, Mary Elizabeth Scallen, Jonathan Silver, Juliana Zinkel, DJ Gleason, Peter Bisgaier, and (backs to camera) Katie Stahl and Eileen Cella in Brighton Beach Memoirs. Photo by Mark Garvin.