Over 10,000 local and loyal ticket buyers will be in Ambler to see a show at Act II Playhouse this year.
They dine, shop and spend before and after coming to the theatre, as well as year round.
Do you want to meet them?
Here’s how it works. And it’s FREE.
- You offer a shopping or dining experience that our smart and savvy subscribers will enjoy, especially before or after seeing a show, or when they are visiting Ambler and the surrounding area. This can be food or fashion, sunflowers or smoothies, manicures or margaritas;
- You change your offer whenever you want – it’s your business – and this is your opportunity to promote it, so we encourage you to be creative;
- You offer a 10% discount on dining/food check to our subscribers. These are our most loyal patrons – they see at least 4 shows a year! It can be an extra perk, a preferred table, free gift wrapping – it can be anything that works best for your business that our subscribers will enjoy exclusively – so change it up as often as you want;
- You educate, inform and train your staff to recognize when an Act II Playhouse subscriber identifies themselves (they’ll present their subscriber card), so that their experience is special, they tell their friends about you, and they value this exclusive Act II Playhouse benefit;
- You are proactive in helping us promote YOU! That means you have to send us good images, logos, and brief copy so we’re up-to-date on your business. Send us your great content, and we’ll do the rest.
In exchange, you will be featured on our Shopping and Dining Partner landing page https://act2.org/plan-your-visit/partners/ which is linked from every performance reminder email under the title “Plan Your Visit” and reaches thousands of ticket holders each year – not just the subscribers who will enjoy this benefit! Plus, our concierge-level Audience Services team refers you when patrons ask – and they do.
In addition, we post partner deals on our Facebook page (5000+) over the course of the entire year!
Note: All posts must be approved by Act II Playhouse. Act II Playhouse reserves the right to limit the total number of partnerships, and all partnerships and content must be approved in advance.
Email your questions to Nick Cardillo, nick@act2.org
Theatre Programs
Add an ad to your outreach! Patrons love hard copy theatre programs – they read them before the show starts, and they take them home. Our patrons support the businesses that support the Playhouse.
Full and half-page full color ads are available.
Back cover, inside back cover and inside front cover are now sold-out for the season.
Ads start at $200. Programs are full-color, 5” x 8″. Ad specifications provided at time of contract. Payment in full due in advance.
For full show descriptions, go to https://act2.org/ or contact Nick Cardillo.

Page image courtesy Jason Leung, unsplash